The instructions for the Virginia Colony in 1606 were:
when you are on the coast of Virginia, you shall do your best endeavor to find out a safe port in the entrance of some navigable river . . . the second instruction was you must in no case suffer any of the native people of the country to inhabit between you and the sea coast . . . in all your passages you must have great care not to offend the naturals [natives] . . . your discoverers that pass over land with hired guides . . . never trust the country people with the carriage of your weapons . . . above all things, do not advertise the killing of any of your men, that the country people may know it; if they perceive that they are but common men, and that with the loss of many of theirs they diminish any part of yours, they will make many adventures upon you.
The first Virginia Charter (April 10, 1606) states:
And that they shall or lawfullie may establishe and cawse to be made a coine, to passe currant there betwene the people of those severall Colonies for the more ease of trafiique and bargaining betweene and amongest them and the natives there, of such mettall and in such manner and forme as the same severall Counsells there shall limitt and appointe.
The second Virginia Charter (May 23, 1609) lacks language to signify natives or Indians.
The Third Virginia Charter (March 12, 1612) mentions uninhabited lands.
An Ordinance and Constitution of the Virginia Company in
Peace Treaty Between The Assateague and Pocomoke Indians and Charles Calvert, Governor of Maryland 1722 were articles of peace and amity concluded and agreed upon between the Right Honorable Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietor of this province of Maryland and Knosulm and Wassaunge Chiefs of the Assateague and Pocomoke Indians on behalf of themselves and the Indians under their subjections this 22nd day of October 1722 . . . firmation where of the Honorable Charles Calvert, Esq. Governor in Chief in behalf of his said Lordship and the said Knosulm and Wassounge on behalf of themselves and the Indians under their subjection have signed here to in presence of his Lordships Council and of several of the Great Men of the Indians the day and year above written and the Great Seal of this province is hereunto affixed. |
The Treaty between Virginia and the Indians, 1677 is another historical document that identifies the Virginia Indians.