Monday, February 26, 2007

110th Congress Begins

Senate Bill 480 did not gain federal recognition for the Virginia Indian Tribes.

Senator Byron Dorgan newly elected chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee opened the first meeting of the 110th Congress. A new begin to a hopeful year.

Working closely with the committee’s vice chairman, Senator Craig Thomas; Dorgan wants the committee to address the most critical issues that face American Indian communities.

The crisis issues are:

  • Indian health care
  • Education
  • Housing

According to Dorgan these are the critical issues.

The Senate on Indian Affairs Committee has an opportunity to impact these issues during the 110th session of Congress.

All noble causes but, how will this affect the Virginia Tribes who do not have federal recognition?

Future posts will feature diversity, BIA acknowledgment, Indian Nations, Senate on Indian Affairs Committee and judicial precedence.